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Unmasking the Bible and History

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Origin of the Illuminati Bloodline (Part One)


To understand when, where, how and why the Illuminati bloodline began, an intense look at specific nations and nomadic clans of the ancient Middle East is in order. Therefore, our discussion on the mysterious and close to inexplicable Illuminati bloodline will begin with discussions on five particular groups of the ancient world:


Where the Bloodline Began


The ancient Sumerian’s religion, one of the oldest religious systems in the world was centered on a cast of alien beings from the stars. We know this to be the case concerning their belief system because of the twenty thousand plus cuneiform written clay tablets left by the ancient Sumerians.



The library of clay tablets was discovered in Iraq during the excavations of A. H. Layard and H. Rassam (from 1845 CE to 1854 CE). In many of the tablets the Sumerians wrote of alien “sky gods” who visited the earth in prehistoric times. They observed the sky gods as “completed soul creatures,” and they believed their ancestors were created hundreds of thousands of years earlier by this cast of alien beings from the cosmos. Thus, the ancient Sumerians believed themselves to be part human and part alien (or god). This is where the “Sacred Bloodline” doctrine of the Illuminati finds its genesis. For discussion on “completed souls” mentioned above, see Chapter 11 of this book under, “The Five Levels to Soul Programing.”

The claims the ancient Sumerians made in their cuneiform written epics about being part human and part god speaks volumes to the “Sacred Bloodline” of today’s Illuminati. This bloodline that is held dear by secret societies will be discussed momentarily. For now, we need to get a strong foundation to stand on concerning why modern-day secret societies like the Illuminati feel their bloodline holds a relation to the ancient Sumerian’s “Sacred Bloodline. To do this we must first get a stranglehold on accurate world history. Therefore, we will start our expedition at the very beginning of the creation of a people termed “Hebrews,” also known in Abrahamic religions as the “Israelites.” We will view these people from two facets: observing them through the lens of religious history and the lens of secular history.



Who were the Hebrews?


According to a widely accepted Bible dictionary, the term “Hebrew” is,


"an ethnic term designating the lineage of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.... The origin of the term Hebrew is a mystery to scholars."

Hebrew” Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary



The reason Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary claims "the origin of the term Hebrew is a mystery...." is because; to reveal the truth about the true origin of the Hebrews would be revealing a cover up that has kept a blindfold over humanity's eyes for thousands of years.

What most people know about the Hebrews has been given to them from the pages of the Old Testament Bible. See the Christian Bible’s book of Genesis chapters 12 through chapter 50 for detailed information about the biblical Hebrews.


Battle of Sidom

Where the Bloodline Began
Who were the Hebrews

Above: a drawing depicting the biblical story: “Battle of Sidom,” found in the Genesis account of the Torah and Christian Bible, chapter 14, where the biblical patriarch, Father Abraham goes to war with the kings of Sidom to rescue his nephew Lot.



Note: ancient Canaan was a land of old which corresponds roughly to present day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Israel, which is also called Palestine by some. There has been a wealth of historical knowledge found by archeologists giving us a clear-cut understanding on how the people of ancient Canaan lived and worshipped. But only until around 900 BCE (some twenty-nine hundred years ago) is the culture of the biblical Hebrews (i.e., Israeli people or Israelites) visible. And although the Bible’s genealogy record shows the biblical Hebrews dating back as far as 2200 BCE (i.e., some forty-four hundred years ago ;) the archeological evidence finds no signs or traces of the existence of the biblical Hebrew culture before 900 BCE. All this will be thoroughly investigated and brought to light later in this chapter.



There are two faces to the Hebrew people. One face is given to us through religious history literature (e.g., the Torah, Bible, Koran, etc.,) and religious leaders (e.g., Rabbis, Pastors, Imams, etc.)

The other face of the Hebrew people is given to us through secular history literature (e.g., ancient Hieroglyphs, ancient clay tablet documents, encyclopedias, etc.,) and scientific experts (e.g., religious study professors, archeologist, anthropologist, etc.)



In accordance with secular history the Hebrew people are originally known as a people of the ancient world called by different tongues: i.e. the “Hapiru,” “Apiru” and “Habiru.” These Habiru people are the original “Hebrews,” from whence the biblical Hebrews history is derived (as will be shown below).

Unlike the biblical Hebrews, whose history can only be traced back in religious books like the Torah, Bible, etc., the Habiru (Hebrews) history is mentioned on clay tablets dating back as far as the 18th and 19th centuries BCE (some thirty-eight and thirty-nine hundred years ago). They are also featured in the Nuzi, Hittite, and Amarna documents of the 14th and 15th centuries BCE. Later in this chapter we will take a concentrated look at what some of these document’s state about the Habiru (Hebrews).

In mentioning the Habiru people; one notable Encyclopedia states:


“The Late Bronze Age (c. 1550–c. 1200 BC) was mainly one of Egyptian dominance in Canaan…. The period was also marked by incursions of marauders called Hapiru, or Habiru (Egyptian: Ê¿Apiru). This term was apparently applied by the Egyptians to other peoples or social groups who were of foreign origin. Many scholars feel that among the Hapiru were the original Hebrews, of whom the later Israelites were only one branch or confederation.”

Canaan” Encyclopedia of Britannica


As appose to secular history’s epics of the Habiru (Hebrews); religious history tells us that the biblical Hebrew people began through a man named Abraham (or Abram). But secular history shows no traces of the biblical character Abraham, his son Isaac, grandson Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve sons, which the Torah and Christian’s Bible teaches: grew into the twelve Hebrew Tribes of the nation Israel. Although you can pick up any encyclopedia, read and learn about Abraham and the biblical Hebrews; when reading about their history, any notable encyclopedia will state: this history is “according to the Bible,” which is to say, the history about to be stated is not secular history, but rather, is biblical history and cannot be found in secular (regular) history. For example, the Encyclopedia of Britannica states:


“Abraham…. According to the biblical book of Genesis, Abraham left Ur, in Mesopotamia, because God called him to found a new nation in an undesignated land that he later learned was Canaan. He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of God, from whom he received repeated promises and a covenant that his “seed” would inherit the land.”

Abraham” Encyclopedia of Britannica


As mentioned above in so many words: the history of the biblical Hebrews can only be traced back through the pages of so called “holy” books. But secular history exhibits a much sounder concrete record concerning the ancient Habiru (Hebrews) who descended from two ancient nomadic clans of yesteryear – one from the Caucasus and the other from Arabia.



The group from the Caucasus was wanderers who came out of the mountainous regions of Europe ca. 2800 BCE and had come to settle in northern Mesopotamia (today’s Middle East) ca. 2400 to 2200 BCE. This nomadic clan was called the Hurrians. And by the time of the Bronze Age (ca. 1500 BCE) the ancient Hurrians had heavily populated northern Mesopotamia.

A glimpse of one of the earliest records of the ancient Hurrians (the first clan of Caucasoid to enter the ancient Middle East) is probably seen in an early document written by the ancient Sumerians during the reign of Shulgi (ca. 2150 BCE.) The document describes a class of,


"unclothed people, who travel in dead silence, who destroy everything, whose men folk go where they will — they establish their tents and their camps — they spend their time in the countryside without observing the decrees of my king."


Although it is believed by some, the quote above is giving reference to the ancient Hurrians; there is no hard evidence that the people in the above quote were actually the ancient Hurrians. There is also no conclusive evidence that the ancient Hurrians were a savage people. But we do know the ancient Hurrians were a people of war who had taken over a few small kingdoms throughout north ancient Canaan and ancient Syria. The strongest of the Hurrian kingdoms was the kingdom of Mitanni in north ancient Syria.



The other group of nomadic people the Habiru (Hebrews) descended from was the ancient Amorites, also called, “Martu” by the ancient Akkadians. The ancient Amorites were originally from West Saudi Arabia. And according to ancient Sumerian and ancient Akkadian documents; the ancient Amorites were a savage people that the ancient Sumerians and ancient Akkadians tried to keep out of their land.

One ancient Akkadian document shows us the ancient Akkadians viewed the ancient Amorite way of life with disgust and contempt:


“The MARTU who know no grain.... The MARTU who know no house nor town, the boors of the mountains.... The MARTU who digs up truffles... who does not bend his knees [to cultivate the land], who eats raw meat, who has no house during his lifetime, who is not buried after death...”

(Chiera 1934, 58, 112)


In reference to the Sumerian Court Records, one notable dictionary states,


"The Amorites lived in the wilderness regions of what today is western Saudi Arabia and southern Syria. In the court records of Accad and Sumer they were known as barbarians, or uncivilized people."

Amorites” Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary


The ancient Amorites finally settled in the rich land of ancient Canaan ca. 2000 BCE. At that time, they split into three sects: the northern Amorites, western Amorites, and eastern Amorites.



The 3 Divisions of the Ancient Amorites


· NORTHERN AMORITES: The Amorites who settled in the North settled in the highlands, and eventually fell under Hittite influence. They emerged years later as a people we know in history as the Arameans.

· WESTERN AMORITES: The Amorites that settled in West Canaan established their own towns on the coastal lands of West Canaan, which would evolve into the lands we know in history as Phoenicia and Philistia.

· EASTERN AMORITES: The Amorites that settled in the East, however, settled near the Euphrates River and the ancient city Babylon. The Amorites that settled in the East came to be known in history as the mighty Hyksos nation.

· The eastern Amorites are the Amorites we will now turn our attention towards.



As I mentioned above in so many words, the ancient Sumerians and Akkadians tried to keep the ancient Amorites out of their land because of the Amorites savage ways. Well, shortly after the arrival of the East ancient Amorites; these Amorites began quickly seizing many small towns that were controlled by the ancient Sumerians. These Amorites from the East viewed their Arab brothers (i.e., the ancient Akkadians, who were originally from East Saudi Arabia) as the oppressive imperial power that controlled their only sources of survival: the Euphrates River and the much-needed pastures for their livestock.

Note: the ancient Amorites that settled in the East and the ancient Akkadians of East Saudi Arabia are the ancestors of today’s Arab world.



After the ancient Sumerian’s Babylonian kingdom was taken over by a powerful group called the Elamites; the eastern Amorites conquered the Elamites and took the city of Babylon from them. The eastern Amorites established their authority as the absolute Arabian/Semitic power when they crushed the Elamites and started what is termed in history, “The Old Babylonian Kingdom.” At that time the eastern Amorites made ancient Babylon their capital city.



The ancient city Babylon was situated along the Euphrates River: about 300 miles northwest of the Persian Gulf, and about 30 miles southwest of modern Baghdad in Iraq. According to the ancient Sumerian’s epics of sky gods; this area is the same area where their sky god’s base headquarters of operations was located, and where the first human in history: the Adamu was fashioned. Thus, the ancient Sumerian’s, considered the area sacred.


Ninmah Temple

Ninma Temple.png

Photo above is an actual picture taken of a religious temple of the ancient world. The temple is Ninmah Temple from ancient Babylon. In accordance with the ancient Sumerians religion; Ninmah was a Sumerian Mother Goddess and one of the oldest and most important figures in the Mesopotamian Pantheon. She is known as the Mother of Men for her part in creating mortal entities. And she is often depicted as the wife/consort of Enki, the God associated with the creation of mortal entities.


Note: their “Adamu” is equivalent to the Torah and Christian Bible’s “Adam.” For the biblical story of Adam derives from the much older ancient Sumerian epic of the fashioning of man. In the Sumerian’s epic, there were four deities associated with fashioning the first man and the world: Anu, Enlil, Enki and Ninmah. Therefore, when the Genesis account of the Hebrew’s Torah and Christian’s Bible mentions “God”; the Hebrew word used for “God” is “Elohim,” which is plural meaning “more than one God”, or “Gods.” For in-depth discussion on the plurality of the term “God,” see Chapter 4 of this book under, “God of Genesis.”



This ancient Sumerian holy site was the site where one of the oldest cities of the ancient world was erected. The architects and builders of the ancient Babylonian city are unknown. Although tradition says it was built by the Babylonian god Marduk; it is more likely that its builders were the ancient Sumerian people who had migrated out of Egypt in earlier years and settled in that region. They were among the earliest inhabitants of the region.



History tells us that as early as 2300 BCE, the Sumerian king, Sargon the Great, united the people of Babylonia under his rule. But the most famous of the Babylonian kings is King Hammurabi (ca. 1792-1750 BCE.) He is known for organizing the Babylonian laws into a written system referred to by scholars as “The Code of Hammurabi.”


Marduk and Hammurabi


Picture above depicting the Babylonian god Marduk enthroned with the Babylonian King Hammurabi standing in the front of him.



Sometime around 2000 BCE, the eastern ancient Amorites, the ancient Hurrians, and the ancient Sumerians began mixing bloodlines. And over the years, these three bloodlines formed the mighty Hyksos people. The Hyksos would be the first monarch to rule the ancient world with a recognized “Sacred Bloodline” doctrine connected to sky gods. Their capital city would become ancient Babylon: that city the New Testament Bible’s Book of Revelations refers to as,



Revelations 17: 5 KJV


Another Bible translation addresses the city Babylon this way:



Revelations 17: 5 CEV


Let the reader understand, there are no traces of the ancient Sumerian’s found in history as a distinct people after 1800 BCE. The so-called Sacred Bloodline of the sky gods: that bloodline held dear by the ancient Sumerians now flowed in the veins of new people called Hyksos. And as you shall see, the Hyksos nation would not look on this bloodline belief lightly. For through it they would form a system of beliefs and ways of thinking that is prevalent even today. At this point in time, the Hyksos had total control of the ancient Babylonian kingdom.



As mentioned above in so many words, the ancient Hurrians mixed their bloodlines with the ancient Sumerians, and the ancient Amorites of the East. After a few hundred years of mixing, a new people surfaced known to us in history as Hyksos, which means “foreign rulers.”

The Egyptian historian Manetho from ca. the 3rd Century BCE gives us our first look at the Hyksos people as he documented the horrific story of how these people once crushed mighty ancient Egypt. It is from these same Hyksos people we find the true origin of the Hebrews.



The Hebrews in Egypt


According to secular history, the first Hebrew’s were a very small group of Hyksos people who came out of East ancient Canaan. Sometime around 1890 BCE, this small assembly left East ancient Canaan and journeyed through ancient Canaan to the land of ancient Egypt (the metropolis of the world at the time) in search of work as craftsmen and builders. The Egyptians called this small assemblage of Hyksos, the “Apiru.” Eventually the name evolved into the Akkadian’s “Habiru,” from whence we get the modern term, “Hebrew.” In the Hebrew language, the term “Hebrew” means, “One from beyond” (Strong’s H6677).



There is a painting in a tomb from the time of Sesostris the 2nd , ca. 1890 BCE showing 37 people from ancient Canaan traveling to ancient Egypt. Most secular historians agree that these people are the Hyksos people mentioned above: the people who left East ancient Canaan in search of work in Egypt, those the Egyptians called the “Apiru.”


A Painting in a Tomb from the 12TH Dynasty

The Hebrews in Egypt

Above: picture showing a painting in a tomb from the time of Sesostris II ca. 1890 BCE. The entire portrait shows a group of Asiatic people, 37 in total. Perhaps Hyksos people from ancient Canaan traveling to ancient Egypt.


But religious scholars rebut this claim by saying: the people drawn in the painting are the Hebrew Israelites of the Bible. They say the painting on the wall aligns with the biblical account depicting Jacob and his family exiting ancient Canaan and entering ancient Egypt to live under the instructions of Jacob’s son Joseph; to be safeguarded from the famine the Bible claims fell upon ancient Canaan (cf. Genesis 46: 7).

But this cannot be a portrait of Jacob and his family because; in accordance with the biblical account of the famine along with Jacob and his family entering ancient Egypt under the instructions of Jacob’s son Joseph; there was a grand total of 66 people (not 37 as the painting portrays) who left ancient Canaan to live in ancient Egypt (cf. Genesis 46: 7-26). Then the biblical account later contradicts itself in the New Testament putting the number at 75 people (cf. Acts 7: 14).

No one knows for certain if the painting on the wall is a depiction of the Hyksos people of East ancient Canaan entering ancient Egypt. But one thing is certain: the painting does not support the biblical account. And with the Bible contradicting the number count; the biblical account does not support itself.

The painting in the tomb more than likely displays what most secular scholars suggest: a group of Hyksos people leaving East ancient Canaan to enter ancient Egypt to live.

It is very important to note, as mentioned earlier, the first Hyksos people that entered Egypt became the Habiru (Hebrews) spoken of in secular history.



The ancient Egyptian’s documented history of the Apiru, i.e., the Habiru (Hebrews) living in Egypt is very definite as we shall see momentarily. But let the reader understand, the Egyptian records do not support things like the ten plagues the God of the Bible supposedly casted down on Egypt as the Bible claims. Neither do any Egyptian records mention the defeat of Egypt’s pharaoh and his army at the Red Sea, which is found in the Torah and Christian Bible’s book of Exodus 7: 15.

One Christian commentary explaining why the ancient Egyptians would not have documented such a monumental event, states:


"But this would hardly be expected since the Egyptians seldom recorded any of their defeats."

Ten Plagues” NKJV Commentary


My question to that Christian commentator is this: would the ancient Egyptians, who documented almost everything, not document their slave count? A slave count would not insinuate any sort of defeat. Yet there has never been found any kind of a slave count in ancient Egypt concerning the biblical Hebrews or any kind of Hebrews.

The biblical account and Abrahamic religious philosophy draw a picture of ancient Egypt enslaving millions of people for the sole purpose of erecting enormous monuments. But the archeological evidence for the inner workings of ancient Egyptian culture tells a completely different story. The modern archeological evidence indicates there were no slaves involved in erecting the great ancient Egyptian monuments. But on the contrary, those who built the great monuments of ancient Egypt were well paid Egyptian citizens who were fed well and were provided housing and good medical care.

Although the ancient Egyptians did have slaves (i.e., captives of war ;) this was a practice in which all the great nations of the time partook. But there is no evidence that the Egyptians held the magnitude of slaves the Torah and Christian Bible claims. Nor is there any evidence the Egyptians systematically enslaved an entire race of people as the Torah and Christian Bible claim they did with the Hebrews.

Other than in monotheistic religious books like the Christian Bible and Torah; there are no historical records or evidence found, not just in Egypt, but in the entire world which claims the Habiru (Hebrews), or biblical Hebrews were ever in bondage to ancient Egypt.

If the Hebrews had been slaves in ancient Egypt; the Egyptians would have more than likely documented it.  The Egyptians documented just about everything. As mentioned above, a slave count would not have been a record of defeat, but one of victory on ancient Egypt’s behalf. Contrary to what religious history has taught us over the centuries, the Habiru (Hebrews) were never in bondage to Egypt.

As I stated above, a small group of Hyksos people left East ancient Canaan and journeyed through ancient Canaan to the land of ancient Egypt in search of work as craftsmen and builders. And it was in ancient Egypt where this small assemblage of Hyksos people got their name, the Apiru (Habiru), which is where we get the name Hebrew.



After hundreds of years of living in Egypt the small group of Habiru (Hebrews) grew. Secular history tells us during the centuries that followed the Habiru (Hebrew’s) entering ancient Egypt; they contributed much too Egyptian society and technology. They also worshipped as the Egyptians did: putting their own Canaanite gods on the back burner while following the deities of Egypt. They also intermarried with Egyptian nobility. In doing all of this, the Habiru (Hebrew) people gradually took key positions of power and wealth in ancient Egypt. And it was ca. 1630 BCE when they took over Egypt by abating their brothers: the invading Hyksos armies of the East.

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