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Writer's pictureHoward West/ Michael Cage

What Is Time? Is Time Real? | DIGITAL REALITY | Michael Cage

Inserts taken from Michael Cage new book, DIGITAL REALITY: Our Universe is a Simulation. Click here to listen to this article.


What is Time? And is time real? These are two questions that has baffled some of the smartest people in the world for thousands of years. But the answer to these questions can be found in a theory that is becoming more and more widely accepted by the scientific community. The theory I am referencing is Quantum Realism. Quantum Realism is a theory that states: the quantum world is real and generates the physical world as a virtual reality.

Let the reader understand, this theory is compatible with logic and science, including the equations of physics. And when quantum realism is put side by side with computer science, the two fit like hand and glove.

So, what is time? And is time real?

Time is a continuance flow of cause and effect with a past we can never change because the simulated moment is over; and a future uncertain because it is a simulated experience in the making. The only thing that is real about the simulated universe we exist in is the actual moment: the spatial/temporal coherence of the here and now.

Consciousness, that is, the Conscious Observer is always in the moment of here and now looking out at the created universe as it unfolds through what we believe to be time. But the time we believe to be real is nothing more than an illusion.


Try placing yourself in what is termed, the past or the future. You may use your imagination to imagine the past and future; and in return receive stimulus from the inner mental event. But to experience either past or future the way you experience the present moment of the here and now is physically impossible. This is because you are Consciousness: a program of awareness that equates to perception of a given situation. And as the Conscious Observer, you reside in the moment of here and now, which is the spatial and temporal coherence of the holographic simulation you are ingulfed in. The moment you reside in is a moment that is physically inescapable.

But in reference to what we term time, may the reader understand that the moment is all that truly exist. What you experience as linear time (what physicists call, entropy: the arrow of time) is a mere illusion. It is a phenomenon of the mind.

Time is not a fundamental property of the simulation we call our universe, but rather, an emergent property. Time doesn't exist as an elementary component of the universe, but rather, exist as a part of the whole.

The example is taken from water. Each water molecule does not have a tide, nor do they exhibit wetness. but the whole ocean does. The same stands true for time. Just like tides and the wetness of oceans emerge from the ensemble of the whole, time is an emergent property of our universe.

One quote from Albert Einstein states.

“Time and space are models by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”

Einstein also once said.

“The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Time is the experience of one moment that is in constant change. Your experiences of linear time affects are due to a constant flow of a physically changing universe. The continuity and momentum of change within this simulation we call our universe creates the illusion of time for the Conscious Observer.


To further explain how the effects of the illusion of time works, first understand, negative and positive charge are innate in what we term as “matter,” and with Maxwell’s theory on magnetic fields, any moving charged particle creates what is termed by physicists, a “Magnetic Moment.”

The photon is the Force carrying particle of the Electromagnetic Force. The photon particle (along with its interactions with atoms) form movements of positive and negative charges with a flow of electromagnetic fields we sense all around us, via our five senses. We sense these processes of continual charges (continual changes) in electromagnetic fields as a flow of time. Therefore, time is an emergent property with the future continually coming into existence, photon after photon, charge after charge.

The continuum of time we sense represents the continuance of transformation of the creation of our simulated universe. We measure the processes of the transformation of the universe in stages or periods: 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds etc.

In the last one hundred years our intellect has allowed us to assign the smallest number to the smallest measurement of time (i.e., a number to each passing magnetic moment). Physicists call this shortest of moments Plank’s Constant.


It is through the third level of the human mind (the Neshamah mind program) that the Conscious Observer experiences linear time.

Within this third level of mind, which is a mental program activated within the third level of the brain (i.e., the brain’s Prefrontal Cortex;) the continuum of time becomes a major medium for your perception of reality.

Note. the study of Psychology tells us some of the basic activities of the human’s Prefrontal Cortex relates to the concept of time because this region of the brain is an orchestration of thoughts and actions in accordance with internal goals.

The most typical psychological term for functions carried out by the Prefrontal Cortex is, “Executive Function”. Some of the things the Executive Function relate to is:

• Awareness of future consequences of current activities |

• The working toward de fined goals |

• The prediction of outcomes and expectations based on actions |

It is in this region of the brain (Prefrontal Cortex), and this region of the mind (Neshamah), where our concept of a flow of time from the past to the future is formed.

The brain of the human avatar is the hardware of the avatar working much like the hardware of our computers. In like manner, the mind of the human avatar is the software of the avatar working much like the software of our computers. The brain and the mind are in conjunction with one another. The third level of brain-mind is where the experience of linear time truly begins for the Conscious Observer.

As stated above in so many words: you are Consciousness: a program of awareness that equates to perception of a given situation. And within the third level of your brain-mind the illusion of linear time becomes a major medium of your perception because; the linear time becomes connected to any and every “magnetic moment” that unfolds in your reality.

It is through events that unfold with “before and after” characteristics that allow you to mentally move out of the moment of now and experience the illusion of linear time through the mental osculation’s of past and future, which is an imaginary back and forth swaying of the moment.


Someone would ask the question,

“If linear time is real; why does it slow down in certain instances?”

I remember when I was younger playing video games like GRAND THEFT AUTO “SAN ANDREAS.” I remember while using my virtual character to walk in a room, the room on occasions would be an empty area of nothing upon arrival. But then, after a second or two the room would start appearing piece by piece: first the walls, then the floor, then the furniture etc.

On our much older and slower data processing video game consoles we were able to see firsthand how virtual reality video games computed information and presented it to us on the monitor screen as generated upon demand imagery.

The older much slower video game consoles allowed its players from time to time to see virtual reality formulated within the video game. In the older models we got a lot of this because; the older systems slowed down dramatically when having to compute overwhelming amounts of data. In a computer game or simulation, when there is too much information to compute at once (i.e., when the CPU’s information processes are too busy) the frame rate drops giving a slower motion screen. This also happens in our digital universe.

It was Albert Einstein who first proposed that time slows down near extremely massive objects. His observation termed, Mass Dragging Time.

Note. as mentioned in earlier chapters in so many words, all physical objects are mere constructs of information created by little bits of data we call atoms. Therefore, an enormous object is an enormous amount of information.

As hard as it may be able to conceive, when standing near an enormous object like, let’s say, the Great Pyramid Kufu at Giza, which weighs over forty million tons, time is delayed for the Conscious Observer. But the delay is so minuscule, the time delay affect would go unnoticed. But nevertheless, physicists have concurred, because of the objects great mass; it would slow down time for those near it in contrast to those who stand far off.

We can readily perceive the effect of time delay more dramatically when observing the mass of the earth and its time delay effect on our Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS is a network of thirty-one satellites in orbit around the earth. The satellites reveal that time runs faster thousands of miles above the earth than it does on the earth.

Inside all thirty-one satellites are extremely precise state of the art clocks. Despite being extremely accurate, they all still gain around a third of a billionth of a second every day in contrast to our clocks on earth. Therefore, daily, the satellite’s systems must correct the natural “glitch” for the drifting away of time. Otherwise, that small difference between earth time and the time thousands of miles above the earth could upset the entire system, causing our GPS’s to be off about six miles a day.

Because of the enormous mass of the earth, time runs faster in space where the GPS satellites are. Just like at the Great Pyramid Kufu, time is altered here on earth because of the data processing involved in the huge amount of mass that make up the earth.

But this should not be the case in an objective reality. If we live in an objective reality as we have been taught for thousands of years, time should be the same for everyone, everywhere. But in a digitized reality, time delay must occur in given circumstances.

To see a major difference in time delay, we would have to use something much more massive than that of the earth. It was Steven Hawkins who built on Einstein’s idea of Mass Dragging Time. He drew up an illustration of our Milky Way’s massive black hole, which is thirty million miles in diameter and contains the mass of four million suns crushed down into a singular point by its own gravity. Unlike the earth, the mass of this black hole is incredibly enormous. A black hole of this magnitude has a dramatic effect on time, delaying it far more than that of the miniature earth or that of the minuscule pyramid at Giza.

Hawkins explained, if we were to somehow be able to be in the neighborhood of this massive black hole without being sucked into it; time would be cut in half to that on the earth. This is to say, one hundred years lived near it would equal to around two hundred years lived on earth. This is all due to the enormous amount of information that makeup the black hole and the data processing involved in the brain of the person near it. Remember, our brains are CPUs. Time dilation is relative to our own dereferencing frame of reality, which is to say, our own energy and momentum. Time dilation is a process found within the universe’s computer hard drives, which are our brains.

Like in any simulation, the more a system’s CPU must compute, the more time is affected. Therefore, time also slows down when approaching extremely high velocities, for example, the speed of light.

In Einstein’s twin paradox, one young twin travels the universe in a rocket near the speed of light while the other stays on earth; and the first twin returns after a year to find his brother an old man of eighty! Time is malleable. It slows down as we go faster. In an objectively real-world time would be fixed. But just like in a manmade simulation, in our world time stretches and contracts, varied with velocities.

Our Universe is a Simulation

Pt. 1

This documentary "Our Universe is a Simulation" is one part of a new ten part video series on Michael Cage's book, "DIGITAL REALITY: Our Universe Is A Simulation".

Click here to watch Pt. 2 on YouTube


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